chicago contrarian second city cop

Chaos reigns in Cook County prosecutors office. The FOP has the retirement numbers for Jan/Feb/Mar and there are hundreds. City of Chicago Attorneys: Prosecutors Didnt Believe Men Innocent of Murder. Our security is paramount in all of our calculations, and that means no obvious trail back to our people. Opinion | Lori Lightfoot's chaotic leadership in Chicago threatens to A rare bright spot in Chicago journalism emerged. What it Will Take to Keep Companies in Sweet Home Chicago. Once again, allegations raise the question: Who does Cook County States Attorney Kim Foxx work for? Man Exonerated in Murder of Two Chicago Police Officers Arrested for Beating Woman. Is New Scandal Brewing for State Panel That Freed Man Convicted in Murder of Two Chicago Police? 2009-2012 stats account for on duty CPD incidents only. February 8, 2023 Chicago Police Officer's Odyssey After Attack Explains Low Police Morale South Side officer Michelle Murphy gets last word after 10-year betrayal by every institution in Chicago. Jump to. Suffice it to say weve been busy. The new law is as dangerous as criminals themselves. Eric Zorn, Gregory Pratt, Chicago Tribunes coverage of murder and rape case challenged in federal court, again. Chicagos Unscrupulous Media Cooks up Another Fiction. Life goes on until it doesnt. Another Chicago Media Figure Comes to the Aid of Kim Foxx. Published March 3, 2023 6:45PM. Mayor Lightfoot ignored hedge fund manager's pleas for reconciliation. They burrowed deeper into the Democratic Party in cities like Chicago. Chicagos Injustice Watch Takes Aim at Chicago Police. Chicago area executives shun downtown as violent crime climbs 37 percent year-over-year. Aside from police officers, the blog was a must-read for local journalists and decision-makers in the CPD and mayors office. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses bid for second term | Fortune The second post on the Chicago Contrarian site is authored by Benjamin Blair. 0:05. Parents experience showcases lessons on addressing harassment which are relevant nationwide. And the explosive charge of racism he's been claiming for years was concocted to juice his civil suit and claim for . Academic excellence, greater diversity and value exists across the border in Indiana. Really. The Chicago Teachers Union focuses on everything but teaching and learning. Most likely, far less time than you think, too. Almost like their scripts were written for an incident that never lived up to expectations.. Chicago Justice Podcast: Chicago Contrarian Hates Chicago and Facts Hint: Mayor Lightfoot and the city will need to think long and hard about business retention strategies. Chicago Mayor Cranks Up Incendiary Rhetoric on Twitter. Review of records finds COPA hasnt notified prosecutors of false allegations in the last three years. Barring a miracle, it looks as if Cook County is stuck with Tom Dart for another term. Some good, some bad, some truly sad, but busy. Sister-in-law never calls her late husbands sister and is dismissive of her grief. SCC's writers cited concerns about information security and other issues in a final message for their readers. Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa is entrenched in the anti-police society. An 18-year-old man has been charged with murder and multiple other counts stemming from the fatal shooting Wednesday of Chicago police Officer Andres Vasquez-Lasso. Ghost Homes in Chicago Are a Ticking Time Bomb for the Residential Real Estate Market. Criminalizing Police Becomes Law in Illinois. Chicago Mayor Issues a Flurry of 11th-Hour Campaign Promises. Chicago Media Tied to Election Corruption? 12,929 were here. in Chicago, went dark, thanks to the threatened public identification of its author (s) (which would have exposed him/them to retaliation). Brownie was worse, posting an e-mail to everyone where he expressed exactly ZERO concern for the mental well-being of the Officer involved, who was placed into the unfortunate situation of responding to a Shots Fired call, and being quick enough to arrive on-scene in time to actually on-view someone with a gun. Elected officials cringe before blowhard newsreader Dave Savini. After 15 years, popular 'Second City Cop' blog goes dark The mobs mayhem eventually left five people dead, including a police officer. COREs shadowy past should cast doubt its next slating will be a democratic exercise. Northside alderperson to challenge ME? Chicago Prepares to Hand over $1.67 Million for Diapers. Chicago Police Commander's E-mail Rips Prosecutors, Media in Child Murder Case. Chicago Tribune Stories Rejected in Federal Court. Mayor Lori Lightfoot holds a clearance sale. We dont want to have the site reliant on the goodwill of the tech giants who have proven since the election that they have no qualms about attacking and silencing conservative thoughts, voices and anything that disrupts the current narrative. Amy Campanelli Bandwagons with Cook Countys Social Justice Troupe. For the first time in 40 years, a Chicago mayor lost reelection. The Windy Citys liberal media had a tale to tell about a fake anti-Asian hate crime. Some good, some bad, some truly sad, but busy. Thats the message, loud and clear. Looting a special TIF district to pay for equity. Campaigning in 2019, she styled herself as an outsider, vowing to fight . 2023 Chicago Police District Councils Voter Guide; Latest issue; Year in Review '22; The People Issue; Reader 50; Contests; . (WTTW News) More than five dozen Chicagoans were elected Tuesday to oversee the Chicago Police Department as part of a new era of oversight for the beleaguered law enforcement agency. Lori Lightfoots appearance at Management Conference triggers cognitive dissonance. AURORA, Ill. - An Illinois city has been named one of the happiest cities in . Chicago Justice Podcast: Chicago Contrarian Hates Chicago and Facts on Many thanks to theContrarianfor letting us camp out here and waste their electrons for a little while to touch base with everyone. Where is Chicagos Procedural Justice Now? The Chicago Sun-Times advances Progressive disarmament. State Lawmaker, Chicago Alderman Push for Drug Normalization, Kim Foxxs War on Law & Order in Chicago Expands Unopposed. Militant Media: Chicago Tribune Partners With Injustice Watch. Mayor leaves police, city attorneys at the mercy of smear merchants. As Chicago explodes in violence, Chicagos media continues to spoon feed residents pure fantasy. Judges' rulings poke holes in Foxx's treasured exonerations, expose media bias. Updated 6:45PM. The Rise of Anti-Merit: Objective Criteria Goes by the Wayside in Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives at Chicago Companies. James Murphy ends 25-year career with immense frustration. Reporting on Shooting of 13-year-old follows tired, baseless script. We know the assorted caucuses in Springfield are busy rolling back all sorts of laws and passing new ones, but we dont recall this one sneaking out of committee. Francis Parker updates a classic, the preppy handbook, for the modern private school era. Chicago faces a stark choice between candidates who can promote safety and radical activists who will foster mayhem. Via Chicago Contrarian On Chicago: And There it Goes August 11, 2021 SECOND CITY COP Chicago police officers are all alone If it wasn't obvious befo The posts from Chicago Contrarian also provide insight in to minds of far too many Chicago police officers. And though some posts were rife with racial undertones, the CPD would sometimes use the blog as a way to take the temperature of rank-and-file officers. View all posts by Foxfier. And theres Groot, the f#$%ing mayor of Chicago, sympathizing with the mother who didnt know her son was missing for two days, didnt even report him missing for three, and identified the body in the morgue five days after the shooting. Or undocumented in the parlance of the current administration. Is COPA Conducting Illegal Investigations? It's why for the past 15 years the "Second City Cop" police. Policing in Chicago Will Suffer After the SAFE-T Act. The lakefront, long the crown jewel of Chicago, is now the playground for criminals. Illinois General Assembly Rigs the Game for Sheriff Tom Dart. Chicago Experiments with a Universal Basic Income. Social media pictures of him flashing gang signs. Via Chicago Contrarian October 25, 2021 How do we know hes a gangbanger? Supposedly, after scouring the last THREE hiring lists for any warm body that washed out of pre-testing, over one-thousand letters and e-mails were sent out to take the Power test. On Chicago: SCC Summarizes July Lawlessness, Media Fails, and Low Police Recruitment Numbers, Chicago Must Attack Legality of the Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission. Kim Foxx's Latest Disgrace Greeted with Media Silence. Heather ODonnell of the Chicago social services agency Thresholds says the money is an opportunity to really build up substance use care.. It is filled with hatred and privilege that Blair seems immune form recognizing. (Hint: No.) Almost like theyre scared to show even the tiniest bit of support for the men and women in blue, lest the suspiciously dormant rioters notice them. Federal Judge Rejects COPAs Decision in Chicago Police Shooting. Second City Cop is gone, the sun times is just a branch of leftist PBS and covers their points of view, the Tribune is liberal rag, and the daily herald sucks up to pritzker and other leftist causes. To Reduce Crime in Chicago, Alderwoman Michele Smith Needs a Mirror. Including the District Commander. Booth Bobbles: Chicagos Destructive Mayor Featured at Premier U of C Event. Loaded 0%. Your transportation related headlines for Monday, August 24th, 2020 CHICAGO, CHICAGOLAND, ILLINOIS HEADLINES. But dems and lefties are talking like there was another Federal courthouse burned in Portland, a building leveled by a truck bomb in Oklahoma City, maybe some airliners crashed into New York skyscrapers, the author wrote. If youre paying attention, you know it has already begun. Chicago Contrarian is nothing more than a platform for extremist views that have been growing in Chicago and around the country for decades. Thinning police ranks, officers in retreat should have all Chicago residents uneasy. Chicago Contrarian Offers Advice to Parents Considering Chicago Private Schools. And again, we can only say, Maybe. We want to bring it (or something similar) back so that cops have somewhere to vent and participate in a give-and-take conversation. Chicago/Toronto/Hollywood. The Coming Catastrophe for Chicagos African Americans. Alderman is depriving the 35th Ward of its vitality. But it might finally be overat least this version of it. The first post we look at from Chicago Contrarian is a post authored by Second City Cop an alt right blog that folded mysteriously shortly after the insurrection and then appeared posting to the Chicago Contrarian site. Second City Cop has a memo for - Chicago Contrarian | Facebook The Business of Chicago is No Longer Business. Art Institute of Chicago: Firing of Docents is 'Misinformation'. The exoneration movement penetrates police training. Chicagos anti-police movement looks to notch another victory over police. In closing, from someone far wiser than we: You arent here to save societyyou are here to document the downfall, one RD number at a time. This is what they wantnay, demanded. And your fronts. What $40K per year gets your children in the Windy City. Second City Cop blog celebrates slain CPD commander The following was originally posted on the Chicago Contrarian. Aldermans Neutral Stance in Chicago Mayoral Contest a Disservice to 19th Ward, As rioters get a pass from Kim Foxx, Chicago hands down ludicrous penalties for officers who were victims of 2020 ambushes, Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School: Go Woke, Lose Students. My wife and I used to go into Chicago at least 3 times a month to go swing dancing, hang out at the Green Mill listening to jazz or the Drake or just walk along the lake. The Second City (@TheSecondCity) / Twitter Attorney launches broadsides against Illinois Attorney General and Cook County prosecutor over exoneration of convicted police killer Jackie Wilson. This is our Chicago Justice Podcast that covers crime, violence, and justice issues in Chicago. On Chicago: Second City Cop Discusses the City's Perpetual Decline. Chicagos Ministry of Propaganda Gets a Massive Boost. Trumpy With A Chance Of Meatball Ron - The Bulwark Chicago Media Code of Silence Strikes Again. chicago contrarian second city cop - With Mayor Lightfoot on the ropes, will the Republican Party or Chicago's GOP donors influence the 2023 mayoral election? 24 Jun . Saint Patrick's Day: A Celebration of the Greatness of the Irish in Chicago. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoots call to arms on social media goes without rebuke. As in ready to visit violence on anyone who resists. The Sad Drama of the Chicago City Council. Smaller & Taller: Fairness to Fellow Chicagoans, Chicago Police Recruits Should Learn the Truth about Wrongful Convictions. Does Illinois Torture Commission Signal End of the Constitution? Published 8 seconds ago. But they care. Suffice it to say we've been busy. A Fake News, White Supremacist Holiday.. Kim Foxx Reverses Course, Allows Two Accused Killers to Skate. Many thanks to the Contrarian for letting us camp out here and waste their electrons for a little while to touch base with everyone. Administrators of popular Chicago blog emerge to deliver some great thoughts and observations. J.B. Pritzker, Cook County States Attorney Kim Foxx, the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, the Chicago Teachers Union, the American Civil Liberties Union, various CPD supervisors, clergy leaders and the media. 60 Years of Comedy History. Thats the message, loud and clear. Chicago Crime 2021 Archives - Criminal Infographics - HeyJackass! Minority mothers, whose kids are being raped, shot, mugged and murdered (check theHeyJackass.comstats page). Sanity in Indiana Steel Country, Only 40 Miles From Chicago. It's time for Chicago to re-think urban planning. Two months. June 13, 2021 CWBChicago Loop A downtown police district's commander was demoted to captain and reassigned Friday after he refused to assign district patrol cars to sit outside CPD Supt. The Chicago Public Schools Enrollment Racket, Illinois General Assembly, Governor Pritzker Poised to Empower the Chicago Teachers Union. Even though the information in it was not necessarily accurate or helpful or based on fact, you at least got a sense of what was bothering people, to some extent, the source added. We had gotten similar warnings from others in the past, and we dealt with or ignored them as the situation warranted. Unusual event in Chicago Police Department - Godlike Productions Chicago Justice Podcast - Chicago Contrarian Hates Chicago and Facts on Is Americas Future Rooted in Chicagos Past? Chicago Aldermen Must Aggressively Quiz Police Superintendent at Police Budget Hearing. Evolving civility: an opportunity to contribute to the global challenge of building better cities, right here in Chicago. Will COPA Ruling on Chicago Police Shooting Be Lightfoots Last Stand? For Whom Are Kwame Raoul and Kimberly Foxx Working? Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx briefs the media on the office's decision to not pursue criminal charges in the shooting deaths of 13-year-old Adam Toledo and 22-year-old Anthony Alvarez . And whos in charge around these parts? The announcement (that actually made the media) that the gang would be targeting unmarked squad cars and the cops riding within would they do that for a non-gangbanger? Enforcement of COVID-19 Restrictions, Thanksgiving Gatherings, and And how many are in the hiring pipeline? Political Activism in Chicago Schools: Contrasting Trumps and Bidens Inaugurations. Chicago Alderman Bandwagons with Anti-Police Activists. Feb 27 With election day nearing, this video serves as a reminder over the importance Police Council elections. New Signs CBS, Dave Savini Shattered the Career of Chicago Police Officer? DO NOT VOTE FOR DAVID FELLER Two more suicides while were in limbo nothing from the Groot and worse, a canned e-mail fromBrownie. One hundred? chicago contrarian second city cop. After all, Groot is saving millions in salary costs. Is Tom Dart's Sheriff's Office responsible for warrant served on wrong house? Beverly, Mount Greenwood, and Morgan Park deserve an alderman better attuned to the needs of residents. Chicago adrift amid David Brown's rudderless leadership. It was a long time coming, but you'll wear the blame for this one forever. On a semi-frequent basis, the blogs authors would leave breadcrumbs story tips for local reporters. Anyone know why the media isnt covering this? Chicago Police Officer Fatally Shot in Exchange of Gunfire on Southwest About 70. Francis Parker updates a classic, the preppy handbook, for the modern private school era.

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