which of the following would be a macroeconomic question?

B) Delta buys a new European-made jetliner. A) gross domestic product of Canada. PetSmart, Inc. is a large specialty pet retailer of services and solutions for the needs of pets. C. Theme park construction. Find the following limits: (a) limnn\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \alpha_nlimnn, (b) limnn\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \beta_nlimnn, (c) limn(3n+4n)\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty}\left(3 \alpha_n+4 \beta_n\right)limn(3n+4n), (d) limnnn\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \alpha_n \beta_nlimnnn, (e) limnn/n\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \alpha_n / \beta_nlimnn/n, (f) limnnn\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \sqrt{\beta_n-\alpha_n}limnnn. C. Technology is lost. If the price level rose in three consecutive years from 100 to 120 to 140, then the annual inflation rate over those years would ________ Economics is the study of the ________ people make to attain their goals, given their________ resources. D) unemployed persons falsely report themselves to be actively looking for a job. C) legalized prostitution. A) the value of leisure is included in GDP. C) Their value is counted separately, but is not included as part of the value of the final good for which they are an input. A) There was deflation between 2007 and 2016. The three fundamental questions that any economy must address are e. As a public safety measure, the state of Texas should not pass legislation that allows people with concealed handgun permits to carry concealed weapons on college campuses, A-Positive A) technological advancement in the production of electric car batteries. B) the sum of consumer and producer surplus. This problem has been solved! Sarah is a full-time student who is not looking for work. A) the knowledge and enjoyment you receive from taking the class. Que11. B. Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between economic efficiency and economic equity? How do you go about weighing the alternatives? A shift inward of the production possibilities curve. C) Yvette pays $50 to join a softball league. 1. B) a natural disaster like a hurricane or bad earthquake. If the economy is slipping into a recession, which of the following would be an appropriate fiscal policy? Poorly timed discretionary policy can do more harm than good. A. [Solved] The following table contains nominal and - SolutionInn C. A movement from inside the production possibilities curve to a point on the production possibilities curve. Which assumptions do you need to make in order to be correct in considering a binomial distribution for your variable? The use of fixed costs to extract higher percentage changes in profits as sales activity changes involves. A) the cost of additional education is always higher during recession. D) lower; lower, If real GDP exceeded potential real GDP and inflation was increasing, which of the following would be an appropriate fiscal policy? A) automatic stabilizers; discretionary fiscal policy A) during a deep recession. B) the consumer surplus received from purchasing a given quantity of a product. C. income, saving and . Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that deals with the structure, performance and behaviour of the overall economy. A) no c. producers the person is unable to care for himself or herself, also The higher price caused the supply of sailboats to increase.". D) What determines the salaries of college professors? A) Japanese firms excelled in process technology. A) decrease the measured unemployment rate. C) a decrease in the price of lithium, which is used in the electric car batteries. The marginal propensity to consume (MPC . C) The federal government pays out an unemployment insurance claim. A. Which of the following is an example of spending on goods and services in the circular flow model? D) increase all of the monetary flows. C. The process by which the production possibilities curve shifts inward. B) Yes, the recession will lower income in my field permanently. B. Calculate the predetermined overhead allocation rate for each activity. C. Inefficient incentives. D. the government, consumers, and producers C) make economic ideas explicit and concrete for use by decision makers. PDF Questions and Answers - Damanhour A. Maximum combinations of goods and services an economy can produce given its available resources and technology. B) unemployed A) lower government purchases by an amount less than $200 billion. c. The overall price level in the economy \\\hline CONCEPT Equilibrium The government will probably implement expansionary macroeconomic policies. All of the following events would have this effect except c. It considers part-timers as employed, and hence it is understated. D) when real GDP is below but close to potential GDP. Bill Gates does not face scarcity because he is a billionaire The government should reduce the tax burden to help small business. D) increased business taxes. D) all of the above are true. You are investigating the punctuality of the airlines in Asia. C) decreases; increases B) increase; less TEST 1 6 March 2019, answers - MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS - StuDocu A. A) increases; increases Your grandfather tells you that he earned $7,000/year in his first job in 1961. Macroeconomics | Economics Quiz - Quizizz A black market is a market where buying and selling take place C) there is a decline in the price level. C) gross domestic product of the United States. Solved Which of the following is an illustration of a | Chegg.com This month, the company supplied the same quantity of binders at $4 per unit. D) the unemployment rate consists of only frictional and structural unemployment. Macroeconomic Policy and Poverty Reduction - International Monetary Fund According to a deputy commissioner of police, "Commerce does very little of what we recommend. PDF AP Macroeconomics 2018 Free-Response Questions - College Board C) looking for work is your only option. C) decrease oil prices. It is an example of the coincidental fallacy C. Optimal marginalism A. C. Maintaining a strong level of economic growth. All of the following are sources of comparative advantage except Which of the following economic activities are included in the subject-matter of Economics? d. Is concerned with proving that capitalism is better than socialism, An efficient market is a market which The company allocates indirect costs based on the following activities: EstimatedEstimatedQuantityActivityCostAllocationBaseofAllocationBaseAdmission$60,000Numberofadmissions20,000Cleaning240,000Cleaningdirectlaborhours100,000Grooming80,000Groomingdirectlaborhours4,000Totalindirectcosts$380,000\begin{array}{lclc} Microeconomics studies individuals and business decisions, while macroeconomics analyzes the decisions made by countries and governments. D) lower taxes by $200 billion. C. Greater production of one good requires increasingly larger sacrifices of other goods. C) a discouraged worker Flow (1) represents: A) wage, rent, interest, and profit income. Which of the following is an example of government failure? Explain. a. A. unlimited wants exceed limited resources. C. Can a tax cut lead to a government budget surplus? Which of the following would increase the unemployment rate? 1) Economic models do all of the following except A) answer economic questions. B) consumption; investment Consumption of cigarettes. Prelims Marathon - Economic Survey - February 28th - 2023 B) change; underestimates although this definition differs from state to state. O a False O b. A) Many full time workers really want to be part time workers. d. Why do some countries grow faster than others? What goods and services to producehow will these goods and services be produced; and who receives them? A) marginal C) people employed in the underground economy B) increases; decreases A) shift of the demand curve when income changes. B. Which of the following best describes an assumption economists make about human behavior? It allows researchers to isolate the effect of one event on another without the influence of outside variables D) simplify some aspect of economic life. D. All of the choices are correct. Grossprofit.Sellingexpenses..Administrativeexpenses.TotaloperatingexpensesIncomefromoperations.Otherincome..Incomebeforeincometax..Incometaxexpense..Netincome.20Y1$1,500,000510,000$990,000$270,000180,000$450,000$540,00060,000$600,000450,000$150,000$1,250,000475,000$775,000$200,000156,250$356,250$418,75050,000$468,750375,000$93,750. C) increasing the money supply and decreasing interest rates. Each of us only has 24 hours in a day, and we must allocate our time in a given day among competing alternatives. A grocery store sells a bag of potatoes at a fixed price of $2.30. D) consumer price index. What kind of unemployment is Sarah experiencing? c. Labor economics Macroeconomics Basics. 1 #7. C) cyclical unemployment c. The price of gasoline A) welfare benefits Intervention in the economy by the government bureaucrats we do not see and over whom we have no control. B) an increase in government spending A. trade-off C) The demand curve will shift to the right. This means ______. All points outside the curve. B. B) in non-licensed shops and warehouses. Will a cut in the interest rate increase Canadian output? D) a decrease in the quantity supplied. C) A state government cuts taxes to help the economy of the state. (D) the economy as a whole. D) an increase in the working-age population. Difference Between Microeconomics & Macroeconomics - BYJUS B) an expansionary; a contractionary D) The Federal government pays to support research on AIDS. D. Government failure. An economic ________ is a simplified version of some aspect of economic life used to analyze an economic issue. Compared to their pre-trade positions, trade makes both countries better off because in each country Given the following data, what is money creating potential in this C. Congress increased the minimum wage rate in January. Technological advancements have led to lower prices and an increase in the sale of color laser printers. ECO111 Quizz 01 FALL 2021. B. D) a contractionary; an expansionary. B) German GDP. C) more difficult than with monetary policy. C) What factors determine the price of Oreo cookies? (a) 3,6,12,3,6,12, \ldots3,6,12, Based on this evidence, Tecumseh has experienced C) during an expansion. ActivityAdmissionCleaningGroomingTotalindirectcostsEstimatedCost$60,000240,00080,000$380,000AllocationBaseNumberofadmissionsCleaningdirectlaborhoursGroomingdirectlaborhoursEstimatedQuantityofAllocationBase20,000100,0004,000. A) the supply curve shifted to the left resulting in an increase in the equilibrium price. C. There is often a tradeoff between the two. b. select the best possible solution. This means B. C. How is the production quantity of snowboards determined? Scarcity refers to the situation in which. Suppose in 2016, you purchase a house built in 2003. E. it is easier to book holidays in member countries. B) a job retraining program D) Your father buys a new John Deere riding lawn mower. Q. B. D) only change GDP if the development occurs within the borders of the United States. C. A centrally planned economy D) equal 20%. C) GDP rises by $125. A) What determines the minimum wage? B. c. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc C) oil prices. Micro Economic 100% (2) 176. Which of the following causes the unemployment rate to understate the true extent of joblessness? d. Comparative economic systems, Determine whether the following is covered by microeconomics or macroeconomics You know that average prices have risen steadily since 1961. A. negative because it may improve your grade. B) the bread that Subway purchases for its sandwiches The country is experiencing a serious rise in inflation which the government wants to control through fiscal policy. Stability c. Efficiency d. Growth A Economics is best defined as the study of a. Explain the pitfall of this statement. This change will______________ A) increase in demand; decrease in demand The market mechanism. This would A) higher; higher C) an autonomous; an induced The use of market prices and sales to signal desired output. 19 If the short-run aggregate supply curve intersects with the aggregate demand curve at a point that is greater than the long-run . of mental institutions) and ___________ (movement Compose a sentence using the following word. To find the parametric solutions for the predicted GDP (Y) and the predicted investment (I), we can substitute the second equation into the first equation: Y = a + b (Y - T0) + e + kY + G0. National income is equal to B) decrease the measured labor force participation rate. Examples of comparative advantage show how trade between two countries can make each better off. The exports are equal to import. a. D) taxes; expenditures, Active changes in tax and spending by government intended to smooth out the business cycle are called ________, and changes in taxes and spending that occur passively over the business cycle are called ________ D) decrease tax rates. D. Scarcity. D. all of the above Answer: D.all of the above 2. B. c. It confuses correlation and causation C) decrease in demand; decrease in quantity demanded D-Positive The system that a society chooses reflects the philosophical and political ideas on which that society is founded. C. The government should subsidize solar power for homeowners. These firms are reacting to which of the three key economic ideas? A. Question 1: Multiple Choice Which of the following does macroeconomics endeavor to answer? C. All points inside the curve. Each point on a demand curve shows Which of the following is not a macroeconomic question? A. Should the c. To be an informed citizen An increase in ____________ D) Sarah is not experiencing unemployment of any kind, because she is not currently part of the labor force. D) buys U.S. government bonds. a. C. An increase in national defense is possible only if we produce more butter. (C) how individual markets work. C) an increase in unemployment insurance payments Suppose a drought resulted in a major reduction in the California lettuce crop. D) there is a decrease in the expected rate of inflation. Check your understanding of civil commitment by filling A) above; surplus The decrease in auto sales impacts GDP because new automobiles are counted as ________ when purchased by households and ________ when purchased by businesses. A) Micah purchases a new wrench for his auto repair business. A formal statement of theory, usually a mathematical statement of a presumed relationship between two or more variables, is called ______. Which of the following statements uses the concept of equity to argue against the legalization of casino gambling? Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with: (A) the prices of individual goods. (B) important rather than trivial issues. C) decrease the number of persons in the labor force. In addition to selling pet food and pet products, PetSmart also offers dog grooming services including baths, nail trimming, teeth brushing, and aromatherapy to reduce everyday stress, and nail polish and stickers. B) the value of the decrease in business inventory stocks. C. choices; scarce D) GDP is adjusted for increases in drug addiction. A) increase the measured unemployment rate. D) The federal government cuts taxes to stimulate the economy. More teenagers enter the labor force. D. Jenny's wage rate rose, and in response, she decided to work more hours. D) What determines the level of U.S. imports and exports? It focuses on areas like inflation, economic growth rate, price levels of various goods and services, gross domestic product (GDP), national income and the unemployment rate in a particular country. b. unit contribution margin. Prelims Marathon - Economic Survey - March 1st - 2023 A. D. People should not buy imported fruits and vegetables. B) add to GDP. Why is the economy of India growing? The real rate of interest is ______________ B) increased income tax rates. Which of the following is a macroeconomics question? B) falls; Marla's work becomes less valuable once she's married In the United States in 2013, the Bureau of Economic Analysis began counting spending by firms and individuals on developing entertainment products as investment. Is the cerebellum responsible for facilitating declarative memories of emotionally stressful events? He hasn't looked for a job in the last three months, but he's just started looking for work again. An undesirable combination of goods and services. D) the payroll tax. A) the law of supply has been violated. The study of regional economy as whole. The difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics is that microeconomics analyzes the decisions made by _________, while macroeconomics deals primarily with _____________. Marco goes to the pet store to buy a dozen Koi fish for his new Koi pond. d. To learn how to make lots of money, Explain whether each of the following is an example of a macro or micro concern A. All of the following are criteria frequently applied in judging economic outcomes except a. A) take away from GDP. B) the search process of matching workers with jobs. These are: A. income, spending and saving. occurred. The "guns versus butter" dilemma that all nations confront is that A. A. answer choices. b. real costs. B) more than 5 times as much as your grandfather in terms of real income. The following macroeconomic projected return models a. B. Factors of production and price signals. C. The overall economy. D. it intensified competition. B. the government Which of the following would be included in the gross domestic product for 2016? C) U.S. GDP. Which of the following is not a function of money? Group of A tax is imposed on employers and workers that are used to fund Social Security and Medicare. C. when something will be produced; why something will be produced Chapter 6, P R O B L E M S E T 3 . When graphing two variables, the point at which the graph intersects the horizontal axis is called the, T/F Opportunity costs are another name for marginal costs. As a result, _____________ The study of national economy as whole. During a business cycle expansion, total production ________ and total employment ________. Deadweight loss refers to Microeconomics focuses on supply and demand . Which of the following is/are functions of Department of Economic Affairs under Ministry of Finance? Exercise 01 - bi tp eco - Question 1 (3 points): Given the following B) high unemployment rates do not usually last for very long. Every society faces economic tradeoffs. Macroeconomics EC112 Flashcards | Quizlet A) increase; more C) those that hold paper money lose. C. Macroeconomic failure. B) higher; lower Principles of Macroeconomics Quiz- Which of the following represents the major functions of the central bank (a) note issuing agency (b) controller of. B. spending, production and saving. A) There will be an increase in unemployment. C. Production managers are more concerned with satisfying government's orders than with satisfying consumer wants. a. B) remain the same. Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean, David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, James J Cochran, Jeffrey D. Camm, Thomas A. Williams. Which of the following is a term used by economists to describe the money received from the sale of an additional bag of potatoes? Fill in the blanks: (International Balance of Payments accounting) _ Accounts are the transfer of money/wealth that occur between countries but hope to create future revenue. The use of market signals and government directives to select economic outcomes. C. Market success. Solve homework. What factor was most responsible for the development of Japan's comparative advantage in automobiles? C. Opportunity cost. B. A) the willingness of consumers to purchase a product at different prices. A. unlimited wants exceed limited resources. One can conclude that The minimum wage law causes unemployment. D) lower; lower, Contractionary fiscal policy to prevent real GDP from rising above potential real GDP would cause the inflation rate to be ________ and real GDP to be ________. C) discretionary monetary policy. B) an increase in the number of manufacturers of electric cars. Suppose that when the price of ice cream increases, Liza decreases her purchase of hot fudge. D. A movement from the production possibilities curve to a point inside the production possibilities curve. Que10. B) 3%. Three Economic Questions: What, How, For Whom? | Encyclopedia.com The two policies may have similar objectives, which are to foster economic development and stability; nevertheless, the ways . a. A) real GDP The phrase "demand has increased" means that ___________ Question: Which of the following is macroeconomic issue ? - Mcqs Clouds d. Ceteris paribus, Which of the following is not an opportunity cost of attending college? B. A) a persistent mismatch between the skills and characteristics of workers and the requirements of the jobs. A) allocative efficiency . The increase in the amount that the government collects in taxes when the economy expands and the decrease in the amount that the government collects in taxes when the economy goes into a recession is an example of ___________ (movement of disabled individuals out This means. Choose the correct option. B) automobile C) risen; risen D) an increase in the labor force. c. Bill Gates faces scarcity because resources are limited A shortage of maths teachers. A. do not have an economic problem. When every good or service is produced up to the point where the last unit provides a marginal benefit to society equal to the marginal cost of producing it, ________ occurs A) The federal government buys a Humvee. Economics involves allocating resources to meet peoples' needs and desires for goods and services. Directions: You are advised to spend the first 10 minutes reading all of the questions and planning your answers. \text{Cleaning}&\text{{\hspace{10pt}240,000}}\hspace{10pt}&\text{Cleaning direct labor hours}&\text{100,000}\\ The term economic system refers to the way in which a society organizes the production and distribution of good and services. B) GDP is not affected by Scott's production of the jewelry box. answer choices. C) raise taxes by $200 billion. B) lower government purchases by $200 billion. a. margin of safety. C) GDP is adjusted for changes in crime rates. Macroeconomics (ECON 202) Assignment-No.3 Short answer questions Answer the following with the use of the relevant equations which must be shown. To the extent the data permit, comment on the significant relationships revealed by the vertical analysis prepared in (1). C) a full-time employee at a pizza parlor who makes more than the minimum wage C) 6.67%. B-Postive D) Japan has abundant supplies of natural resources needed to produce automobiles. A. A) the value of the house in 2016 C) wages are higher. Economics promotes which of the following as the way to make the best decision? A. Would a projects NPV for a typical firm be higher or lower if the firm used accelerated rather than straight-line depreciation? All of the above. What were the macroeconomic principles or models that influenced your decision making?] ________ and ________ are the largest sources of revenue collected by the federal government bi tp eco question points): given the following annual information about hypothetical country, answer the following questions (expenditure approach to gdp) Skip to document. The minimum wage law causes unemployment. B) an increase in the unemployment rate c. Is it sensible for a government to subsidize tobacco production? A) frictional unemployment C. maintain equilibrium in the Balance of Payments. D) The purchasing power of your salary increased between 2007 and 2016. B) the value of the time spent on line. A) a decrease in the money supply and an increase in the interest rate B) discretionary fiscal policy; automatic stabilizers The economy may be in equilibrium. C) will lower disposable income and raise spending. Which of the following is not a macroeconomic statement? C) No, the recession will most likely be short-lived and I can get a job after it is over. Administrativeexpenses. Totaloperatingexpenses Incomefromoperations. Otherincome.. Incomebeforeincometax.. Incometaxexpense.. Netincome. David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, James J Cochran, Jeffrey D. Camm, Thomas A. Williams, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Intro to Microeconomics (First Exam) (Chapter, Prepare a comparative income statement for the two-year period, presenting an analysis of each item in relationship to sales for each of the years. c. Is one-half cost of the game, as this is the second time you have played it D. What factors determine the price of electronic cigarettes? C) Producer efficiency d. Eliminating the trade embargo with Cuba would increase the number of Cuban cigars available in the United States B. how to make money in a market economy. According to the text, economists consider full employment to occur when A) below the market wage, causing labor demand to be greater than labor supply. C-Nomative The income you could have earned The Industrial Revolution refers to the rise of the modern factory system in ________ during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Rearranging, we get: He faces scarcity because his resources are unlimited B) discretionary fiscal policy. B) price charged for laptop computers by Dell. B. Question 02. The size of the underground economy would tend to increase if the government of a country ________________ D) more than complete, A tax rebate, like the one issued in 2008, is likely to ________ consumption spending ________ than would a permanent tax cut. A) will lower disposable income and lower spending. C. marginal revenue B) the labor force participation rate decreased. A. C) Discouraged workers are not counted as unemployed. D) the value of the services of the real estate agent, Which of the following goods is directly counted in GDP?

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which of the following would be a macroeconomic question?

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which of the following would be a macroeconomic question?

which of the following would be a macroeconomic question?

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